1. References

1.1. Reports

Base classes to create HTML reports easily

class Report(searchpath=None, filename='index.html', directory='report', overwrite=True, verbose=True, template_filename='index.html', extra_css_list=[], extra_js_list=[], init_report=True)[source]

A base class to create HTML pages

The Report is used to

  1. fetch Jinja templates and css from a user directory (by default a generic set of files is provided as an example
  2. fetch the CSS and images
  3. hold variables and contents within a dictionary (jinja)
  4. Create the HTML document in a local directory.
from report import Report
r = Report()

The next step is for you to copy the templates in a new directory, edit them and fill the jinja attribute to fulfil your needs:

from report import Report
r = Report("myreport_templates")
r.jinja["section1"] = "<h1></h1>" 


  • searchpath – where to find the jina templates. If not provided, uses the generic template
  • filename – output filename (default to index.html)
  • directory – defaults to report
  • overwrite – default to True
  • verbose – default to True
  • template_filename – entry point of the jinja code
  • extra_css_list – where to find the extra css
  • extra_js_list – where to find the extra css
  • init_report (bool) – init the report that is create the directories to store css and JS.

The absolute path of the document (read only)

add_dependencies = None

flag to add dependencies


The directory where to save the HTML document


The filename of the HTML document


Returns dependencies of the pipeline as an HTML/XML table

The dependencies are the python dependencies as returned by pkg_resource module.


Returns a time stamp


Open the HTML document in a browser


1.2. HTMLTable

Base classes to create HTML reports easily

class HTMLTable(df, name=None, **kargs)[source]

Handler to export dataframe into HTML table.

Dataframe in Pandas already have a to_html method to export the dataframe into a HTML formatted table. However, we provide here a few handy features:

  • Takes each cell in a given column and creates an HTML reference in each cell. See add_href() method.
  • add an HTML background into cells (numeric content) of a given column using different methods (e.g., normalise). See add_bgcolor()
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'A':[1,2,10], 'B':[1,10,2]})
from gdsctools import HTMLTable
html = HTMLTable(df)


similar project exists such as prettytable but could not do exactly what we wanted at the time gdsctools was developed.


Could be moved to biokit or easydev package.


  • df (dataframe) – a pandas dataframe to transform into a table
  • name (str) – not used yet

There is an pd_options attribute to reduce the max column width or the precision of the numerical values.

add_bgcolor(colname, cmap='copper', mode='absmax', threshold=2)[source]

Change column content into HTML paragraph with background color

  • colname
  • cmap – a colormap (matplotlib) or created using colormap package (from pypi).
  • mode – type of normalisation in ‘absmax’, ‘max’, ‘clip’ (see details below)
  • threshold – used if mode is set to ‘clip’

Colormap have values between 0 and 1 so we need to normalised the data between 0 and 1. There are 3 mode to normalise the data so far.

If mode is set to ‘absmax’, negatives and positives values are expected to be found in a range from -inf to inf. Values are scaled in between [0,1] X’ = (X / M +1) /2. where m is the absolute maximum. Ideally a colormap should be made of 3 colors, the first color used for negative values, the second for zeros and third color for positive values.

If mode is set to ‘clip’, values are clipped to a max value (parameter threshold and values are normalised by that same threshold.

If mode is set to ‘max’, values are normalised by the max.

add_href(colname, url=None, newtab=False, suffix=None)[source]

default behaviour: takes column content and put into:

<a href={content}.html>content</a>

This is used to link to local files. If url is provided, you typically want to link to an external url where the content is an identifier:

<a href={url}{content}>content</a>

Note that in the first case, .html is appended but not in the second case, which means cell’s content should already have the .html Also in the second case, a new tab is open whereas in the first case the url is open in the current tab.


this api may change in the future.

sort(name, ascending=True)[source]
to_html(index=False, escape=False, header=True, collapse_table=True, class_outer='table_outer', **kargs)[source]

Return HTML version of the table

This is a wrapper of the to_html method of the pandas dataframe.

  • index (bool) – do not include the index
  • escape (bool) – do not escape special characters
  • header (bool) – include header
  • collapse_table (bool) – long tables are shorten with a scroll bar
  • kargs – any parameter accepted by pandas.DataFrame.to_html()